Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hospital Food Never Tasted This Good

On Thursday we welcomed our second child, Maria Aurea, into our family. I was lucky enough to give birth at a WONDERFUL birthing center. The whole experience was amazing, including the food. It was a little over the top but we took full advantage  of their menu. None of this jell-o none sense. None of this"you eat what we bring you when we bring you" food. At this place I had an awesome menu to choose from and could order any time of day as much food as I wanted.

Having fillet Mignon and  NY style cheese cake right after giving birth is the way to go!

The most delicious part of the experience was  holding our new girl. I put up some more pictures of her on my other blog.

I'm participating in the Foodbuzz 24,24,24 meal for this month so visit me again on Sunday when I post our BIRTHday celebration meal. I'm also planning on going to Food BlogHer on Saturday. I have my ticket, now I need to get my energy back. If you're attending the conference look for me and baby Maria and come say hi.


  1. Nossa, que demais esse menu, ein? Acho que por aqui vai ser Jell-o mesmo. :o/ Que sorte!

  2. Congrats! Sorry I didn't come over with Sil. I just don't know if I have a bug and so I didn't want to chance it with a newborn.

  3. Congrats!!! That is amazing food!!! :)

    See you at BlogHerFood! - mary

  4. Ummm I'm on Marina's computer so it is leaving her name, but its me Justin

  5. Congratulations! She's beautiful. (I feel--well, felt--you pain about breastfeeding and engorgement. Hope it gets better soon!)

  6. whoa, i'm jealous. you must have awesome insurance. our hospital was nice but the food was gross. (at least we didn't have to pay for it).


  7. If asked the question what makes a true food blogger, I think I now have the answer. Posting from a hospital bed after giving birth!

    Seriously, a sweet post. Congrats and best wishes to the entire family. I looked forward to the BIRTHday party post.

  8. Birthing centers are great! Never had the chance yet...but my family has and all the experiences have been really positive. yay for you! oh c-sections are cant eat any solids till you pass gas! I had to have jello, water, juice and broth for almost 2 days. I felt like I was starving!

  9. Wow...that looks amazing. There must be a women running that birthing center (or one very smart man). You and Christian look very happy. Congrats.

  10. Congratulations! She is really really beautiful. Plus, that picture of her and Enzo on your other blog is incredibly charming.
