Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Happy Birthday Maria!

Five years ago, or as my children would say a full hand ago, Maria was born. The minute she came out she was placed on my tummy and she crawled up to my chest and started nursing right away. I was amazed, and instantly in love with this tiny resilient creature who took matters into her own hands.

I am even more amazed and even more in love with a little girl who continues to take matters into her own hands. She is smart and witty, kind and affectionate, brave and confident.
She has only been in my life for 5 years but I feel like I have known and loved her forever.
I am excited to see her grow until she is two full hands old and then many more full hands after that.When she opened her present today she said enthusiastically "this is exactly what I wanted!" even though she had no idea what she was going to get. I feel the same away about her. Even if I had tried I would not have been able to create her in my wildest imagination. She is her own self, determined to be her own self. She is amazing!.

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