What would you have done?

posted on: Friday, February 8, 2008

I have 40 papers to grade. I have a teacher breathing down my throat because he wants them done by Tuesday even though I just got them today. I have a son who doesn't believe in entertaining himself.

This afternoon was beautiful. I was mentally prepared for an evening outside where I would get to grade papers and enjoy the sunshine while my perfect child would play by himself. Of course things didn't go as planned. I was interrupted several times during the FIRST paper. He then found a cookie on the floor. It seemed homemade, pretty harmless. I knew that it would take him 5-10 minutes to finish it because he would get distracted and walk around with it. That meant that I would be able to finish the first and potentially even the second paper of my grading saga. So I let him eat the cookie that I didn't make and that some other kid lost outside in the common yard area. In my defense I did say a silent blessing on the cookie while I was grading, praying that the baker of the cookie didn't poison it, or that the kid who had taken previous bites wasn't terribly sick, and I even prayed that since Enzo had found the cookie on the floor (I didn't see the exact location) that it was on a clean dirt area instead of on top of some deer poop.

But I didn't let him lick the yogurt off the ground even though he really wanted to and it would of given me easily another 5 minutes to grade. So there, I still think I qualify as an excellent mother.


  1. I laughed out loud when I read this entry! The debates that motherhood puts us through are endless. So tell me, is Enzo still alive? Just kidding!

  2. you are so funny. I loved your story.

  3. I pretty much let Amaya do anything if it keeps her busy for five minutes. In fact, right now, she is drinking from a Ting bottle that has some old soda in it from yesterday. I just hope it's just a small enough amount to not matter. And oops, there go all the papers on the shelf because she just pulled them off. Bye.

  4. hahahahaha...I think if I were in that situation it would have went down like this: I am so stressed out that I grab the cookie and shove it in my mouth before my son or anyone else can see it. hahahahaha

  5. Awesome! I totally would have let my kid eat the cookie too! HOWEVER I agree. . . the yogurt would have been pushing it a bit.

  6. haha!!! i love it!!! the photography is really great!


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