posted on: Sunday, April 13, 2008

On Sunday's I plan my week and create an enormous list of things to do. One of those lists where maybe half of the things will get crossed off and the other half will make it to the next week's list, and the next, and the next. Totally discouraging. One thing I always put and make it a priority to cross off is a new recipe challenge. I pretty much make the same boring stuff over and over again but I try at least once a week to cook a new recipe. So for this week I am inspired to find a new recipe or create a new recipe that involves my favorite ingredient; BACON. I've been inspired by this recipe, and this other recipe, but mostly by this one to try and make a creative bacon dish. When I cook a new bacon dish I'll post the recipe here by next Sunday. If you want to go in on this challenge just cook something you've never done before using bacon and send me the recipe and a picture of the dish at by Friday and I'll post it on my blog. If not then just check back next weekend to get a hopefully new bacon recipe.


  1. oooh bacon... hmmmmmm. The bacon ice cream actually looks yummy! FHE? haha, and the cups are so creative! Thinking of a recipe...

  2. We're definitely in. We're going to pick up some local bacon and get cookin'! Mike is suggesting waffles with bacon in the batter... or things wrapped in bacon... this is going to be great! Bacon is my favorite meat. Aside from meatloaf... I'm not a very convincing vegetarian, am I?

  3. omg, waffles with bacon in the batter is genius!

  4. that's so funny cuz, last night while I was lying in bed I was (of course) thinking about Da's blog and what I was going to do with bacon this week, and I thought of pancakes or waffles with bacon! How yummy that sounds, I agree. Now I need a waffle maker! ;)


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