I love polenta so much. I love it, love it, love it. I made some last Sunday where the consistency was perfect. No joke, perfect. If you've made polenta before you know how annoying it is to have it soft anf eatery. I like making polenta and then frying it. However if you are anti-frying (good for you if you are by the way) then you can also just eat it with some tomato sauce and mussarella cheese on top and it's still good.
- 1 cup chopped onions
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 4 cups water
- 2 cups corn meal
- 2 tablespoons chicken or vegetable bouillon
- Put olive oil in a medium sized pan and let it get hot
- add the onions and saute until brown
- add the water and bouillon and bring to a boil
- turn the heat to low and add the corn meal
- mix, mix, mix!!!! use a good wooden spoon or selse you might end up with a broken spoon and very lumpy polenta.
- Try to make the mixture as smooth as possible but doen't stress out about the little cornmeal clumps, they will disolve.
- immediatly pour the mixture to a a baking pan. I used to npur it on a plate but the unevenness is BAD. make sure it's 1 inch deep.
- let cool for at least an hour. If you are going to fry it then let cool for at least an hour in the fridge. The cooler it is the better it will fry
- In a small sauce pan add 2 cups oil (I know, I know, but trust me frying the polenta brings it to a whole superior level)
- cut up the polenta in small squares.
- once the oil is hot enough fry up the squares. 4 minutes and basta!
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