My husband makes bread and it rocks my world every single time

posted on: Thursday, February 5, 2009


  1. OK next to chocolate, bread is my favorite comfort food! All kinds. Especially when its still warm. I'm still trying to master yeast and not suceeding really well. I make other bready things though. Someday I want to make really really yummy bread! Bread is the best when your pregnate too! I crave it all the time!

  2. I can keep down bread which is more than I can say for most foods at this point. So, K are you preggers too?

  3. Damaris, I'm soooo happy your are expecting! Congratulations! And what a lovely hubby you have! Send a brother my way! :) - mary

  4. Daaaa... voce ta gravida minha querida?!?! PARABENS! Caramba, eu tenho 3 amigas gravidas e 2 que acabaram de ter!!!! So eu que nao! hahaha Boa sorte, voce precisa de um personal blog pra keep us updated! Muita saude pra voce, when are you due? Love you always! Beijao

  5. Haven't taken a test yet to confirm, but this last week has made me pretty sure. either that or something really weird is happening inside me. I'll probably be joining you soon on the keeping down food problem. I hope bread stays on my list though.

  6. Nada melhor do que pão caseiro! hummmmm!

  7. My husband makes bread too! And his is delish!!! Christian's bread looks awesome! go to my blog and look through the pictures and you'll see what David's bread looks like. So cool that we have partners that like to take part in domestic activities! And god knows, I can't make bread and unfortunately, I've tried...heeheehee.

  8. Damaris! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I'm doing a little dance of excitement for you--CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    Mmmmm, a hubby that bakes bread gets top points!

  10. thanks everyone for your nice comments. Any suggestions on how to stop nausea?

  11. Ok, so these rolls look delicious! Is he going to share his recipe with us? :)

  12. nope. nausea is a curse to me. I'm hoping this next one is not so bad. I was bed ridden with ofa for the first 4 months. good luck on that. let me know if anything helps cause i'll be on on that road soon.

  13. A unica coisa gostosa que o Andre faz pra mim e spagetti! Vc nao faz ideia como e booommm!!! Parece que o seu marido cozinha bastante ne!? muito legal!!!


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