Foodbuzz 24,24,24: Farewell Farmer's Market

posted on: Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yesterday I had a  pineapple-guava for the first time at Twin Girls farm stand at the Farmer's market on the West Side of Santa Cruz. Vendors were busy protecting their stands from the strong Autumn winds that was knocking down produce and costumers were picking up things here and there.

Meet Josh and Benjamin

Josh is a regular and Benjamin tags along to help his dad buy produce. Listen to Josh talk about his favorite farm stand and why he's going to miss them.

One of my favorite stands is Happy Girl Kitchen Company.

Even when the season is over I can still remember summer and the abundance of vegetables and fruits with Happy Girl Kitchen Company's yummy preserved products. Here is what they have to say about their products.

My farewell lunch was at Conscious Creations stand. Joshua Server is an organic chef who has traveled all over the world. He had an awesome job working for the Surf Travel Company cooking for surfers on a yacht. Today I had one of his special breakfast frittata and a breakfast burrito with bacon and avocado.

Good Times.
I love me
Farmer's market

to check out some more 24,24,24 meals visit Foodbuzz for an eye candy culinary experience. Thanks Foodbuzz for making my event possible as always I {heart} you!


  1. cuz it's coming to an end. end of the season

  2. I love this Damaris! I to was so sad to say goodbye! We have one more market day coming up in December and will then have to wait until May :( Love the sound clips, so cool!!

  3. What a great 24 event! Such beautiful photos. Just found your blog via some RTs on Twitter. Noticed you are Brazilian. I just moved back to the US last month after living 2 yrs in Maringa, Parana. Like your blog!

  4. I'm thinking about trying my hand at my first 24/24/24 and looked at yours for inspiration. It's great!

  5. I keep hearing about pineapple guavas...but what are they exactly? What do they taste like?

  6. hi Becca,
    I had never heard of one or had one until this day. They are green guavas that taste exactly like pineapple, totally trippy.

  7. Great pics of the faces behind the Farmer's Market.

    And I finally posted my giveaways. Please check it out when you have a moment.

  8. Our farmers' market was done by early September already. You guys are lucky there! :)


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