What I've learned this week about food blogging

posted on: Saturday, June 26, 2010

I often get e-mails from friends who want to start a food blog asking me for advice. I've been food blogging for 2 1/2 years and I'm still just a beginner so I don't feel very qualified to share my beginner expertise, you know.

In any case I read about food blogging and blogging and social media in general all the time. It fascinates me and inspires me to no end.

I decided to start a weekend column where I share some ideas about food blogging and recap what I've learned in the past week.
  • Sarah from Tastespotting tweeted a great article called "Why Food Bloggers Are Here to Stay" Such an insightful article about the food blogging phenomenon.
  • If you'd like to make money off your blog raise your hand. Grace from Design*Sponge made a video presentation that talks about how her blog went from being a hobby to now a team of 20 people. Even though her blog is not solely about food her strategies can be applied to any blog, in my opinion. Check out her video presentation here

How was your week? Did you get any nice comments on your blog that just made your day? I got so much love from posting pictures of my daughter. Thank you.


  1. Well, I got a comment from YOU, which was pretty fun! I'm expecting lots tomorrow when I talk about Frank Loesser. Meanwhile, I enjoyed the essay and will check out the video when I get to a place in which I can watch it. (Some of us food bloggers are way in the country!.......


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