Smiling Planet- Earth Friendly plates+bowls

posted on: Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Smiling Planet sent baby Maria and Enzo a package of beautiful goodies. Baby Maria has been wanting to use plates. She sees us using plates, she sees her big bro using plates and she points her chubby fingers and screams. Smiling Planet's plates are perfect, they are tall enough so that her food won't slip off and they are absolutely gorgeous.

Enzo loved the bowl, he calls it the apple sauce bowl. He asks me to put apple sauce in it enough to cover up the picture and then as he eats away the illustration in the bottom appears. For a 4 year old this is pure magic. Even though the package was for the kiddies I feel like I got a treat with the coloring book everyone dreams of peace even when they don't which features the same illustrations that are on their plates and bowls and helps to keep the babes occupied while I put the finishing touches on dinner. Cool products that help make meal time fun makes me smile big smiles.


  1. I love love love those! Emma's plates are so boring!

  2. VERY COOL!! we have a pretty large collection since we dont use paper plates...although i wish we did. i'm off to check out their site.

  3. Foot Prints- I would love to know what kind of plates you use

  4. These plates and bowls just warm my heart. I want some for myself.


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