Monday Moment

posted on: Monday, December 6, 2010

Be glad that we have a beautiful internet relationship where you live within the confines of my computer and not downstairs in my messy living room.  I've been sour lately. I've been acting like a 2 year old on the brink of a bad tantrum. My house is a mess and when the house is a mess I don't clean. Instead I decide to reorganize every drawer, ever corner, and put the books in alphabetical order. It's not productive because as soon as I start reorganizing I realize it's just too much and then I quit, creating an even worse mess.

Please teach me how to clean. Teach me how to just put the shoes away without feeling like I need to organize them according to size, shape, and color. Seriously, all I want is to learn how to clean effectively. 

Speaking of wanting Enzo is busy making lists of things he wants to open up on Christmas morning.  As he writes more letters to Santa I write counter letters that reads like this, "Dear Santa, if you bring Enzo any of the toys that he's putting on his list I'll tell him the truth about you, Love Da." I did all my Christmas shopping in July when I had time and the stores were empty. Enzo is getting what I bought almost 6 months ago. Period.

I've been short with Enzo. He licks the salt of the popcorn the puts it back in the communal family bowl and I flip out and act like he's broken the most scared rule of the universe, never lick and put back. EVER, dude. Come on!

Monday's are my least favorite day of the week. For the last couple of months I've been posting Monday Moments over at bebeloo in an effort to find a moment that redeems days like today. But since bebeloo is on sabatical I decided to do it on Kitchen Corners instead.

 Today's Monday Moment: Unplugging.  

I have December Cook Off to announce and I have a DIY foodie gift to post. I also have a house to put in order and a son that is craving attention. You're much more forgiving than my messy house and as much as I just want to internet my Monday mornings away I will in about 5-4-3-2-1 seconds I unplug and slowly move away from the computer. I will get lunch made, pick up messes, and clean the kitchen so that when Enzo is home from preschool in the afternoon I will be present. I will not read books to him while my mind is in the sink washing dishes. Nope, not today. Today we will play Candyland till he's blue in the face and I'll make him his own bowl of popcorn and let him eat it as he wishes.

Have a lovely Monday and if  throughout the day you encounter a Monday Moment let me know what it is. Tomorrow I'll be back in full steam ready to pick up where we left off.


  1. My nephew does the same thing..hahah...It seems like kids really like licking the salf of popcorn...hahah
    Have a lovely time putting your house in order and wish you a fun time with your kiddo:)
    Hugs and kisses

  2. Oh little boys!
    This time of year is a little crazy, so I totally get it!
    Wine, wine is good :)
    xx tash

  3. Enzo is too cute! I'm the same way when my house is a mess. Its almost like the messier it is, the less likely I am to clean it. What helps is when I buy something new decor or make something for the house. Then I go on a crazy cleaning spree!

    Hope your Monday gets better :)

  4. I haven't had a Monday moment yet... it might have to do with the fact that I'm sick... Bah!
    Enzo is too cute!

  5. You are not alone on the messy house! I have a disaster area going on over here. It actually might be less work to just move and start over. and i do the same thing too, when it's messy, i don't clean! I decided cleaning can wait and crafting is more fun. so messy house, you are going to stay messy and i am going to sew while my son sleeps :)

  6. I can't imagine how frustrating it can get to be a mother but it sounds like you're doing an excellent job. Good luck getting through it and enjoy playing Candyland. I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated!

  7. My monday moment was waking up really early in the morning to my son tickling my nose. When I opened my eyes he had a big smile on his face and said so chippery (sp?).. "Wake up mommy!" If he wasn't so dang cute then I would have been cranky. Who wouldn't make an effort to get out of bed when you have such happiness waking you up...especially when I usually wake up to crying and grumpy children. Now a snow puffy from Paalaakai Bakery would make my monday the bomb!

  8. Can I just say "thank you" for posting this? B/c this is not just a Monday moment in my home it has been a past two months moment (or two). I have to totally have a nervous break down about how I'm not cleaning, it's not my job, I'm not the only person living here. and then, only then, will I get up and clean the tv room and the kitchen or bathroom and completely ignore the messiest room in the house, where I'm sitting now. I moved furniture in my daughters room last week and spent 4 hours cleaning and organizing but not this room that people will see. Even had a nighmare last night that someone showed up at my home and saw it. Sad. Is it possible to be a "good nice mom" and have a clean house? Not around here. Kudos to you for choosing to be a mom AND get your housework done. Good luck!

  9. I think I might take your unplugged suggestion. I've gotten into the very bad habit of surfing the net while in my afternoon Government class. It's just that my teacher drones sooo much, and it's never about Government. It's always about some concert that he went to back in the 70's. Still, you've inspired me to act like an adult and try to pay attention. :D

  10. I hope you managed to enjoy the rest of your Monday. This post made me laugh as Im also an inefficient cleaner. Such a quitter! How far away is your Hawaii trip??

  11. Ameeeeeeeeeeeeen to this and ditttttttto.

    This sounds 'cliche' but I'm in the exact same boat today, and on most Mondays- regarding the house, my mood, my "toddler" behavior, my needing to unplug... get things in order and BE PRESENT (and act like a grown woman when Ryan gets home;).

  12. That post was healing for me cause I am doing the same thing today. My kids are all sleeping and so now I have some time to internet my Monday away but only after spending the afternoon with two little girls on one toddler bed reading them the same story over and over again! Here's to healing Mondays. Thank you

  13. This post was funny and tender, lovely. My daughter is all grown now but I remember those times and we've all had the "hey dude" moments but the important part is that we recognize our own crazy and stop and play candyland all afternoon. Have a wonderful time and you know, the dishes and the shoes, they really don't matter, you won't remember your messy house but you'll remember the salt free popcorn and it will make you smile.

  14. oh lady...i don't have kids, but i feel you on this! i do the same thing, never feeling like i can ever give my full attention to one thing for the time i need. oy vay! we do the best we can :)

  15. I feel the same way about the cleaning. I started dusting the shelves of my bookcase on the weekend and ended up rearranging my cookbooks. An hour later the house was no cleaner than when I started!

    I hope you had a lovely afternoon with Enzo.

  16. just vacuum.......if you vacuum....everything else works itself out

    trust me

  17. Assista Horders! Toda vez que eu assito Horders (do TLC, tem todos os seasons no netflix e provavelmente um episodio ou outro no eu fico louca de nojo e comeco a arrumar a casa. Eu sou que nem vc, qndo a casa mais precisa de uma boa faxina eu faco tudo menos isso. E qndo a coisa fica feia, eu assisto um episodio de horders - it never fails! ;o)

  18. oh man i hope you find a way out of the holiday funk. but way to go with your shopping -- done 6 months ago?? that is impressive.

    oh and i can very much relate to being short tempered with the little one lately.

    and i think most women can relate to the way you deal with a messy house. it's overwhelming to anyone. grab a "trash" bag and a "giveaway" bag and good luck!

  19. Yeah, the licking and returning of the popcorn is not so good. Maybe reverse the situation and see how he feels? As for cleaning, I'd come over and help if I could. I'm really good at cleaning. I tend to do it when there are more important things to do because I can't process the important things right away. Kinda like now.

  20. I organize like a possessed woman when I am feeling out of sorts! I had a too long Monday myself, but this post was like a breath of fresh air - thank you! Here's too a new energy the rest of this week :)

  21. Oh don't even start about a messy house. I found comfort here today ;)

  22. I had a monday similar to yours. Unplugging... oh so necessary! Hmm, now I'm curious what Enzo put on his Christmas list :) xo

  23. Look at that face. I have to say, spending time with a cutie like that makes me want some kids!

  24. Adorable photo, Da. The house isn't that important when you have kids. Try the 15-minute per room trick - use a timer and spend that much time in each room straightening and dusting like you're about to have company. (kids like this frantic game, too - especially if there's loud funny music) You can run a vacuum when you're finished. Or not. Lovin those babies is your most important work.

  25. girl, we all have our monday moments. thanks for sharing yours. my 3-yr-old gal constantly reminds me that i need to unplug as well. though it's not candyland we play till we're blue in the face, it's with her little dinosaur collection. when i unplug, that's when i realize just how really blessed i am to have this little person in my life.

  26. So with you on this. If my house gets to a messy point....I shut down and cant seem to do ANYTHING. It is terrible. Thanks for reminding me that most of us mom's ARE alike. :)


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