This month I want to celebrate the time and effort it takes to feed our kids. As a new mother I operated on little sleep and felt tremendously overwhelmed at how much effort it took to feed baby Enzo. And I was breastfeeding! I mean, I wasn't even washing out bottles or mixing formula powder with water. Still, the energy it took my body to produce milk and feed him was huge. I often asked "do you really need to eat again?!"
With time things got easier. Not easy. Just easier. But still the answer to the question "do you really need to eat again?" is still "yes."
Feeding Enzo and Baby Maria is a daily task that kicks my butt. I love cooking for them (most of the time), but at the end of the day I am exhausted. I'm sure you can relate.
There are things that help, like having beans in the freezer to whip up a rice and bean dish when I'm low on time. A plate of rice and beans with fried eggs is my go-to meal. My kids love when I make it. And I make it often.
This month I want you to share your go-to meal that your kids love. What dish are your famous for? If your kids could write a blog post what would they say about your cooking? Do they love your baked mac'n'cheese? Do they love the way you cut out shapes from their sandwiches?
This month we're lending each other a hand with recipes we can all benefit from, recipes that moms can whip up for their kids that's a little more elaborate than a bowl of cereal. Recipes that make you proud to know you're feeding your family something both nutritious and delicious.
For those of you who don't have kids please help us out too. We moms need good ideas from everyone, besides you can always think back on a favorite dish that your own mom used to make and share that with us. Vintage mom recipes are my favorite.
Oh, and the cook off prize is awesome. The sponsor will ship internationally so anyone can participate.
This month's sponsor is Tracee Yablon - a rock star child nutritionist. She opened up her own nutritional counseling office and works as a professional dietitian, counseling families on how to eat better foods. Her website Real Food Moms is a personal favorite of mine. I also have both of her books Great Expectations: Best Food for Your Baby & Toddler: From First Foods to Meals Your Child Will Love and Simple Food for Busy Families: The Whole Life Nutrition Approach and use it regularly as a resource for my meal planning. Tracee is exceptional, I'm so glad she wanted to partner up with Kitchen Corners to offer up a 10 minute phone consultation along with her two books to the winner of this month's cook off. Thank you Tracee.
If you are not a mom and you win the cook off you can regift the books and the consultation to a mom that you know. Can I just say perfect baby shower gift?!
So start thinking about what you'd like to make. If you post your recipe on your blog this week please link to this post. On Monday the linky tool will go up and you can add your post to the Cook Off.
Mother's Day is this Sunday.
From now until Sunday I'm going to wish you a Happy Mother's day at least 101 times.
For all you rock star moms out there, keep up the good work!
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