Railway Breakfast Set

posted on: Tuesday, May 24, 2011

If you have a trainiac in your midst you are sure to appreciate this railway breakfast set. I spotted this on babygadgets and immediately thought about Enzo. We're busy purging things for our move, but one things is certain his train tracks we will never sell. Not only that but I am seriously thinking about buying this railway breakfast set.

My Enzo would go crazy for this, and come to think of it so would his little sister. They both like to build train tracks together. I would have to get each of them a railway breakfast set so they wouldn't have to fight over it, of couse. But how cute would it be to have the two of them sitting together munching on their breakfast, on the floor, next to their elaborate railroad creation? Sometimes Enzo can build railroads for hours, a little tray to put a plate of cheese and crackers on top would be perfect to keep him fueled up.

Do you know any train lovers that would enjoy this railway breakfast set as much as Enzo?


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