Hello Weekend!

posted on: Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm loving these new Levi's Shirts. I'm also loving that they're for a good cause. Levi's has partnered with food activist Alice Waters to celebrate 40 years of the "Delicious Revolution." The proceeds from the sales of these shirts go towards the Edible Schoolyard, a national organization that integrates garden and kitchen education into grade school curriculum. What do you think? Would you wear one of these?

Here are some other cool products I found this week that made smile

// iPad chef sleeves
// recycled bicycle chain bottle opener
// a teaspoon that wrongs out your tea bag
// ilcami carafe
// swiss army knife chocolates
// citrange

and in case you missed it here's what went down at Kitchen Corners this week

// a recipe for key lime oreos
// shell measuring spoons
// a cookie cookbook giveaway, which you can still enter
// a list of things I want to do before I leave Brazil
// Entenmann's Big Book of Baking giveaway, which you can still enter
// a peak inside my head during dinner time

It's raining and even a bit coldy down here. It even sorta-kinda feels a little like Fall weather. Oh and I figured out how to make snickerdoodles without cream of tartar. Smiles all around.

Hope your weekend is nice and cozy.
See you on Monday
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