Christmas Food Ideas

posted on: Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christian and I are trying to think of ways we can be a little bit more Christmassy. These tiny gingerbread houses that perch perfectly on top of your mug have inspired me to make gingerbread today.

We've pretty much done nothing to celebrate the season, we're blaming everyone else around us for this. If the rest of the town would just put up some Christmas lights maybe then we could become festive all of a sudden.

In a way it's kind of nice being low key, specially because I'm not really low key at all about Christmas. Last year I had all of my Christmas shopping done in July, only to find myself buying more stuff in December just 'cuz everyone else was doing it, or something like that.

This year everything that I really want is web based, like adobe illustrator classes online for example, and music from iTunes. Christian wants the usual -- nothing. Whatever we get the kids needs to either fit in our bag, given away, or used up in the next 9 months, before we move back to the States.

As for Christmas food, I'm planning the menu for Christmas Eve and Christian is in charge of Christmas breakfast, his specialty. There are some really festive creations out there. If you need ideas and a little inspiration check these out.

// sushi tree
// Christmas pizza
// lemon curd pastries turned into mini christmas trees
// santa hat brownies
// candy cane cake
// gingerbread cookie tree

What are you serving up this Christmas?

ps. And for all of you who asked about Baby Maria she is doing much better. The days that she had a fever she was super sad and would not even let us come near her with the thermometer. Today she's happily playing with the thermometer, a sure sign she's back to her spunky self.


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