After two lines appeared on my pregnancy test we were able to confirm what we already suspected - I'm pregnant! We are all over joyed. My mom, my sisters, and my nephew who were all visiting us from Sao Paulo last week and were able to be here when I took the test.
After coming to the sad realization that we were not going to be able to adopt last year we decided to try and get pregnant. If all goes well we'll have a new addition in the beginning of November. We'll be returning to the U.S in September. The last 2 times I was pregnant I was either working on my undergraduate thesis or my graduate thesis. I'm really excited to be in Brazil during the majority of this pregnancy where I have a lot of help, a lot of time, and access to all the foods I normally crave when I'm pregnant.
The kids are also really excited and of course they're asking lots of questions. Their first questions was "how big is the baby right now?"
Baby Center has a very cool slideshow called poppyseed to pumpkin which shows how big the fetus is at every week, starting at 4 weeks when you are able to confirm you're pregnant. The kids watched the slideshow at least 10 times.
Can you guess at what week the baby is when it's the size of a heirloom tomato?
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