Happy Weekend!

posted on: Friday, October 19, 2012

We're always rushing to get Enzo off to school. It doesn't matter if we wake up two hours before he needs to leave or 15 minutes. There's always something. Today was his favorite white shirt. We couldn't find it anywhere. I finally found it with 3 minutes to spare.

Last night my friends threw me a babyshower. I have to admit I felt a little overwhelmed opening all the presents. First, I wasn't expecting a baby shower at all. I didn't know you still got a baby shower with your third kid. Second, people are so generous it makes me feel lucky, like too lucky. Like I need to pack up all the stuff I'm not using and send it to Brazil right away to people I know who can't afford it.

Maria came upstairs this morning with a gift bag and announced "O.K we're all set for the baby to come. She has a pair of socks and a permission slip to go to the pumpkin patch next week. She can be born now." I agree!

When I got home from the baby shower the kids were asleep, and the house smelled like warm chocolate. Christian was making a chocolate dessert and on the table were freshly picked flowers and a poem. He remembered that it was our 100 monthiversary. I lost count of our monthiversaries like 98 months ago. I'm glad I get to go through this life with him by my side, the guy who has impecable memory and who wakes up in the middle of the night and helps relieve my pregnancy back pains. The dad who makes french toast in the morning for Enzo.

This was the first week in almost 4 months that I wasn't working full time. I loved my job but I also love hanging out with the fam. It was nice picking up Enzo from school, volunteering in Maria's class, meeting up with friends at the pool, going to the library, oh and blogging again!

I'm looking forward to the weekend. Tomorrow Christian and I have a date day. We'll be spending all day in San Francisco just hanging out and eating good food. If it's a nice day we'll walk around some gardens. If it's cold we'll probably just catch a movie. At night we have a fancy schmancy gala dinner at the California Academy of Sciences. On Sunday Enzo is singing at church with the rest of the kids, for the annual primary program.

Here are some things I enjoyed this week online

// amazing footage of startrails from the ISS
// DIY feather and lavender garland
// How to make miniature papel picado
// Eat, drink, be wicked
// Strawberry shortcake
// Foil wrapped miso salmon recipe

I hope you had a good week and that your weekend is even better!


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