New Year's resolutions? I have a few, sort of, not really.
I went to Trader Joe's yesterday, crazy I know, and the cashier was super friendly. He was pumped for the new year. We talked about resolutions. His resolution was to wake up every morning at 3:30am, he wants to be more productive and he's been listening to a lot of motivational speakers, he's learned that successful people wake up early.
I want to be successful. I want to be productive. There is no way I'm getting up at 3:30 am. And on second thought I don't want to be more productive, not 3:30am productive. I'm productive enough. I have to be. Our life is too productive as it is. I think I want less productive actually, but I'm keeping my finger's crossed for the cashier guy.
I asked my Facebook friends what their one word for 2014 is. It ranged from "baby" to "study" to "intense." My word for 2014 is going to be "rested," I guess that's my resolution. 2013 was the year of exhaustion. To many changes, to much sleep deprivation, to many nights staying up just because. Here is to a more restful year.
Happy New Year!
What's your word for 2014?
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