good tips for cooking with your kids

posted on: Monday, April 7, 2008

Design Mom has an awesome blog with delicious yet mostly expensive artsy fartsy design things that you would love to buy your kids but nothing they really need. Don't get me wrong I like looking at her blog, but I'm just saying. Maybe I'm just bitter because her giveaways are so cool but there seems to be thousands of people trying to win the one prize and I don't know how I've never won anything, I mean the odds are totally in my favor.

Today her blog redeemed itself for me by having this very cool post about cooking with your kids. It is very thorough with lots of good ideas to make cooking with kids enjoyable. You can check it out at it's called Kids in the kitchen- by guest mom Lindsey Rose Johnson


  1. We LOVE the Design Mom. Did you know she's in our ward here in Westchester?

    By the way, Sara and I are luvin' your Brazilian music. So nice.

  2. WHAT? she's Mormon? Woah, she's even cooler than I thought. Her blog is pretty great. She knows her stuff. Plus I heard her on a podcast and realized she is even great in live audio interviews, now THAT totally makes her cool.

  3. I come to your blog of course to read, but also just to listen to the music... I love it!

  4. oh, where do I order that CD???

  5. Caetano Veloso is an amazing artist. He's produced many CDs. I'm sure you'll find his stuff on Amazon or ebay. Keep in mind that his son Moreno Veloso is also an artist and so lots of people just write Veloso and end up with his son's album, which is also pretty good.

  6. Hi Damaris, I'm Kristen's friend Kirstin. yeah I know are names are really close. Well anyway, I always look at your blog because you have such great ideas. So if you don't mind i'm going to put your link on my blog. Thanks for posting such fun stuff.


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