donuts, donuts, donuts

posted on: Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So if you saw my Mother's day post you know that Christian made me donuts for breakfast. Donuts has been a theme for the past couple days.

Enzo just wants to eat donuts and no other food. Our house still smells like donuts. We have TOO many left over donuts. Yesterday Christian took the theme to a whole new level when he cut open the donut, put it in the toaster and spread cream cheese on top. He has done this twice. I have a pretty high tolerance for fat but this is just disgusting!


  1. Have you seen the krispy kreme doughnut bacon burger? I saw a picture of it and immediately wanted it. cream cheese in a doughnut doesn't sound too weird to me, I mean, I love custard filled ones. I have a feeling that custard has more fat than cream cheese, actually.

  2. have you never had the phat sandwich? egg, lunch meat or bacon melted together with as many kinds of cheese as you can find, topped off with half an avocado and lots of cream cheese. you need to go surfing first to avoid having your heart shut down in protest, but after 3-4 hours of good sized goats or gutters, its exactly what you need.

  3. still, the donut sounds gross. if they're not stale, take them to school. i found it a good way to share sweets when we'd overdone it.


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