Moosewood cookbook= must have

posted on: Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Christian has been making very yummy recipes from this book, like samosas and sweet potato pancakes. I was totally skeptical about the pancakes but it was REALLY good, so good I didn't even get a chance to take any pictures.

  • 4 cups (packed) coarsely grated sweet potatoes or yams
  • 1/3 cup grated onion
  • 4- 4 Tbs. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp salt
  • black pepper to taste
  • 4 beaten eggs
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • oil for frying
  1. combine all ingredients and mix well
  2. heat a small amount of oil in a skillet until very hot
  3. use a non-slotted spoon to form the pancakes, patting the batter down. fry on both sides until brown, adding small amounts of additional oil, as needed
  4. serve hot with toppings. We ate it with apple sauce and yogurt.
Enzo loved these. He usually will not eat anything with sweet potatoes but he was all about these pancakes.


  1. That IS a really good cookbook. I also love the sweet potato pancakes. You should really try pumpkin waffles as well. That is my FAVORITE waffle. I don't even like waffles, actually. They are creamy and custardy while being crispy on the outside.


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