My date with Enzo

posted on: Monday, June 2, 2008

Today was the first day that Enzo and I had some alone time. Last week I was totally absent from parenting, or any thing except school. Today I got up and wrote a list of all the errands I had been putting off doing. I'd have to drag Enzo along to solve my medical bill, supermarket, return library books, oil change for the car... all things that are boring. I'm so glad I decided to put it off and dedicate the morning to just spending time with Enzo. It helped that it was a super sunny and warm day. This translates into MUST BE OUTSIDE. I packed up our picnic basket and off we went to a date at the park. I decided to just do whatever he wanted to do. this involved hitting trees with sticks, jumping on a big pile of ice that someone dumped on the grass from a BBQ (this actually feels really good, I recommend it next time you dump your ice on the grass), swinging, going down slides, making train noises every 2 minutes, playing in the sand, and EVEN going on a short hike. Now that is l.o.v.e love. I've never taken Enzo on a hike by myself and am now concerned that we got poison oak. I hope not. yikes

For our special lunch I made cheddar and fresh Parmesan sandwiches, asparagus with sesame seed, and a semi frozen tropical smoothie/yogurt.

Frozen Smoothie

  • 1 cup yogurt
  • 10 ice cubes
  • 1 cup watermelon
  • 1 whole mango
  • 1 whole ripe banana
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  1. put everything in a blender and blend it up. (how easy is that?)

The date was a success I even got some wet kisses to boot!


  1. It sounds like you had a heavenly day!! I love the new music, it reminds me of summer. :) and I've been on a smoothie kick lately cuz it's been so hot, and i'm excited to try this one! Thanks for the recipe!

  2. Everytime I try to leave a comment lately it tells me that my operation timed out, and I get so mad about losing it that I just give up. ARGH. Anyway, wonder woman, I guess I now can make evil comments about the two perfect men in your life. I am never so fun, and I've also been ignoring Amaya for the week, due to grading. I feel pretty terrible.

  3. Hey Mighty,
    Isn't grading the absolute worst activity ever? I have a stack of 50 7page papers to grade. I've been avoiding. going to the park with enzo is way more fun.

    I wish we could live close to each other so we could feel guilty about being bad mommies together while our kids play.


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