My favorite cook

posted on: Thursday, July 24, 2008

My all time favorite cook is my Vóvó Aurea (grandma). Today is her birthday and I couldn't let the day go by without honoring her. She makes simple recipes bursting with flavor. Growing up I loved being in her kitchen watching her cook and move around from one end of the kitchen where she has her favorite stove to the other end of the kitchen where she has another stove. She is repulsed by microwave and anything plastic. She had the tin cups and plates before anyone else thought they were cool/green.

When I was in middle school I would have lunch with her everyday and this is when I finally stopped stuffing myself and actually started asking some questions about how she prepared such delicious meals. My favorite memories of her include food. For example, she would take me to church every Sunday and pack me a snack of white bread and mayonnaises (love it) and mint candy. For a long time I thought the whole meaning of church was to get special snacks. Her joy in life consists of feeding people, especially her family.

Unfortunately/fortunately this love for cooking skipped a generation (that's my mom in the background washing dishes. She never cooks. ever! only cleans, cleans, cleans) and that's me watching Vó Aurea make guava shortbread. If I feel extra festive I might make some today in her honor.
If by some miracle my grandma ever goes on line and figures out how to check my blog I want her to know that my love for food and all things related is a direct result of her always answering my questions.
Te amo vó Aurea, e feliz Aniversario!


  1. Damaris-
    What a sweet tribute to your Grandma! I LOVE the pictures in her kitchen. So...I'm coming to SF sometime around August 9th for about 3 days. Let's plan to meet up! Love, Stacie.

  2. Damaris, adorei adorei e adorei seu Blog, que bom que nos achamos entao. Vou ser, na verdade, ja virei sua fa, que lindo seu blog e que inveja que vc e uma excelente Chef. Nao tive essa bencao de ser inspirada pela minha familia de ser uma boa cozinheira. Na verdade, minha mae faz comidas maravilhosas (claro, a maioria das maes fazem), mas nada original. Sou muito anciosa, entao nunca tenho paciencia de esperar uma comida ficar no ponto. Sempre minha comida esta "tudo errado", e uma vez ou outra que dou uma bola dentro. Sou curiosa sim, e vou tentar seguir umas das suas receitas. Como vc percebeu estou ainda gravidissima e muito chata, muito enjoada, mas prometo que depois que meu Baby( que tb quero colocar, Enzo- que coincidencia), vou tentar ser uma melhor Cozinheira e menos chata). Masi uma vez, adorei seu blog.


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