Tea Time

posted on: Saturday, August 23, 2008

I just came back from the 4th Annual Fiber Art Exhibition where I saw this amazing quilt made entirely out of used tea bags.
What a creative way to recycle food products. I would love to have this hanging from my kitchen wall.


  1. Nossa, que legal, Damaris! Como será que eles fizeram isso? Tea bags são tão fáceis de rasgar!

  2. It was all done by hand. Up close you can see the individual stitches. It's pretty amazing.

  3. Hi Damaris! That quilt is amazing! I want to pass the "Tree of Happiness" award on to you. You can read about it at Sugar and Meringue.

  4. Wow! that is beautiful. I think I'd like to have that too!

  5. Ohhhh that is nice! I would have never thought they were tea bags! Crazy creative!


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