I am so happy to welcome a food processor into my kitchen. FINALLY! When I lived in Massachusetts I had a Cuisinart food processor that I bought at a garage sale. It was old and it worked great. I loved it so much so that I decided it was a perfectly good gift to give as a wedding present to some of my best friends. Ever since relinquishing my old food processor I've had quick chopping withdrawals. I knew I wanted this one because it's the one I had before and because every review I read is positive. So here is my raving review...
I love it. I love it so much that I decided to begin a cooking marathon with it. I am determined to fill up my freezer with as much prepared food as possible before school starts on Thursday. Today I put the food processor to use and made over 100 meat balls. Sure we might be having meat balls with all our meals but at least it's loaded with sweet potato puree, carrot puree, and homemade tomato sauce. All this was quickly made using the said food processor. The meat balls also have 4 cups of squash, chopped in the food processor. My favorite ingredient however, other than the ground beef, is the Brazil nuts that I also chopped in the food processor. Can you tell I'm having way too much fun with this thing?

and the end results is....

all 114 of them!
If you really want a recipe let me know and I'll send it to you. I'm a bit nervous putting up a recipe that makes a gigantic amount of meat balls. You'd think I was crazy.
Do you have a food processor? If so what is your favorite thing to make with them?
now i feel like i have to own this... i used to obsess over getting a vitamixer someday, but i think i would use this more... or maybe they fulfill the same purpose. what do you think?
ReplyDeleteI'm not really sure what you can do with a vitamix but you can make bread dough on a food processor. I'm pretty sure you can't do that on a vitamix. I like the food processor because it has lots of different blades. Let's just say that it's a REALLY fun toy.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE my Cuisinart. I think I have the same one! Yeah, it can do everything from pureeing, chopping, slicing, shredding, to making your bed for you...okay, maybe not that part! (Cuisinart, can you work on that?) I would love your meatball recipe. They sound wonderful and healthy!
ReplyDeleteHey Damaris...no cricut...all by hand. sigh. I'd love to see a picture of your clipboards when you're done :)
ReplyDeletePESTO!!! A food processor makes pesto a breeze!
ReplyDeleteI need a new one. My old one burnt out when I was making potato dough. So here's my only warning: I'm glad your processor went through so many loads, but I know that it can definitely burn out if you let it go for multiple processings of minutes. I do want your meatball recipe, however. And then I'll do it by hand until I can get myself to buy a new cuisinart. Cook's Illustrated always uses cuisinarts for their recipes, so I always have to adapt it. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, I love a Cuisinart! We have two mini (2 cup) and one gigundo (14 cup!) and they make my very life worth living. Of course, we mostly do vegetable chopping, but let me tell you about the hummus and pesto that has been coming out of my kitchen lately. Have you tried making bread dough in there yet? The recipe that came with our mixer makes the best homemade bread dough ever.
ReplyDeleteAlso- keep your eye on your mailbox! I've finally got your knitted requests on the needles!
I used to have a food processor. It wasn't very good, but I do miss it. I made pesto, quick bread crumbs, tomato sauce/puree. And of course, I used it to quickly chop veggies.
ReplyDeletePesto, guacamole, and cilantro lime dressing are my favs. I need a new one! My baby chopper is almost kaput.
ReplyDeleteOh, and c'mon, who DOESN'T want to make 114 meatballs all at once! The recipe would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteOh, I just got a food processor a while back, and I love it so much! My favorite thing to make with it is fresh basil pesto with the herbs from my garden!