Every six months I have the privilege of listening to General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Get this, for those of you who aren't Mormons, we sit through 4 hours of this on Saturday and another 4 hours on Sunday. And what do they talk about you ask? Well, they talk about what they always talk about; importance of families, faith, and prayer. Occasionally they also talk about really specific things like learning to laugh at yourself.
I haven't always looked forward to General Conference, especially after having Enzo and realizing that trying to keep him quite for 4 hours, so that I could pay atention, is impossible. Luckily my attitude has changed. We are fortunate to be able to watch the whole thing from the comfort of our home. Thank you internet! We have friends come over and we project it on our wall in the living room and the whole time we're listening we are also playing with Enzo building train tracks and other fun things. Something about interacting positively with my son instead of fighting with him to be quiet makes listening to the speaker talk about families that much more meaningful.
My favorite theme of the conference so far has been the advice to simplify our lives and live within our means. I think of living within our means to be good advice not only when it comes to money but also when it comes to time. I have a tendency to go overboard planning too many things. I really need to simplify my life and live within my personal means of time and stamina so that I don't burn out. I was reminded of this today when I woke up early to make a gigantic breakfast for our friends who came over. After the first 2 hours of conference my friend made a super simple snack that was delicious and much less time consuming than the breakfast. I loved it. While I ate the snack I thought about how fortunate I am to have this ocassion where I can feed my soul and be reminded about the things that really matter in my life.
How wonderful to be able to do this in a real family friendly way! It must have been a relief to enjoy it with family and friends without the worry.