Simple Snack

posted on: Tuesday, June 22, 2010

because nothing tastes as good as simplicity.

Today I ran into a good preschool-mama-friend in the midst of chaos and the quick hug we exchanged made me crave simplicity. Much like the yogurt snack above. A simple concoction of fresh fruit, vanilla yogurt, and granola.

You know, preschool snack. 
Yeah, that's right, I guess I'm craving a preschool kind of snack.

Because preschoolers can make anything look delicious
and they can also make delicious things look disgusting, they're so tricky.
Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying summer very much but I'm also missing the structure of school days.


  1. Oh, how I wish for those simple snacks. And how I wish for a two hour break every Thursday. I miss you and LOVED running into you today. Let's get together when your life isn't consumed with company. Miss you!!

  2. that looks so delicious! love the simplicity.

  3. That's one of my favorite snacks! So yum!


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