Three weeks ago I shared my first gift guide, where I featured some of my favorite food gifts including a s'mores kit from Matchbox Kitchen. Assuming you're like me and not all of your Christmas shopping is done then here are some ideas for gifts you can make yourself, including ... a s'mores kit.
What: DIY: S'mores Kits
From: Twig and Thistle
Perfect For: Your popular teenage niece who is always going on a date, maybe give her two kits.
What: Teacup Lights
From: Martha Stewart
Perfect For: Your great-aunt of course.
What: Vanilla Salt
From: Eat the Love
Perfect For: Your chic brother who is also super completive and thinks you have no DIY in you.
What: Play Kitchen
From: ohdeedoh
Perfect For: Your favorite child.
What: Tile Coaster Tutorial
From: The Cottage Home
Perfect For: The one person in the world that you know that uses coasters.
Holiday Gift Guides 2011
// 5 Cookbooks for Kids
// 5 Eco-Friendly Holiday Gifts for Little Foodies
// 5 Gourmet Gadgets for the Holidays
// 5 Food Gifts for the Holidays
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