5 Easy Valentines you Can Make with your Kids

posted on: Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today baby Maria did not take a nap so we did the only sensible thing a tired baby and a tired mama was left to do, we ate sugar. We laid down on my bed and we sucked on lollipops. She had one and I had one. Hers I decked out with a pink moustache just because I thought it would be funny, and it was!

Specially when this started happening.

Last year I made heart-shaped gluten-free alfajores and turned them into lollipops. They were awesome, and delicious, and mega-time consuming. If you have the time you should totally make them. If you don't here are some ideas for quick and easy Valentines you can make with kids, even tired kids.

Moustache Lollipops // draw a moustache on pink card stock paper (or any color you want) cut it out, make a small hole, stick the lollipop through and BAM(!) your  two year old will have a very cute moustache, all in 30 seconds. If you want nice even moustaches, or even a handlebar moustache perhaps, then go to freemoustache.com for free printables.

A School of Fish // I know and you know that Swedish Fish is one of the greatest candy ever. Kids know that too. So for a total classroom success use printables that say things like "I'm glad we're in the same school" and add it to a baggie with some Swedish Fish.

Wrap Up a Candy Bar // If your kindergartner is like my kindergartner than you probably have a bunch of pictures right now laying around your house. Enzo loves drawing pictures. Currently he's into drawing castles. Instead of  throwing away saving the pictures, you can reuse your child's pictures as wrappers for individual candy bars. Then all you have to do is use some pretty ribbon to tie a bow around the whole thing. Enzo loves giving his pictures away so this would be something he would really enjoy. If they don't want to use their pictures as wrappers you can make these robot valentine's, I bet they'd like that. And if you want fancier wrappers I would go for these.

3-D Valentine's // I'm pretty sure you've seen this before, no? Those were the original lollipop-picture valentines and they were a hit specially once Design Mom made them too,  then they became THE thing to make. This is still one of my favorite crafts ever. I've used it many times. I've even used it as a party favor for Enzo's birthday. You can also make it with chocolate if lollipops aren't your thing.

Valentines Popcorn Snack // Popcorn is such a great snack and a great alternative to all the excessive candy. If you want to tone down the sugar a bit try putting some popcorn in a baggie with a few red and pink M&Ms. I'm thinking something like this.

Less than a week before Valentine's Day. Have you started making valentines yet? What are you thinking of making?


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