Maggie Austin Cake

posted on: Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I have a crush on pretty cakes. I can't make one to save my life and truth be told pretty does not always translate into delicious. But I am sure these taste delicious, they must, though I would probably cry a little if I had to cut one of these into slices and ruin it's perfection.

Guess what Maggie Austin, the creator of these cakes was before turning into a pastry chef. A ballerina of course. Just look at all that frill, doesn't it remind you of tutus? I think these are the prettiest cakes I have ever seen. They are so girly, so gentle. And no Maggie Austin does not only turn tutus into cakes, she also turns polished stones into cakes, and artwork you would frame and hang on your wall into cakes. Her portfolio is amazing.

Does your heart go pitter-patter for pretty cakes too?


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