Edible Flower Lollipops

posted on: Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Baby Maria had a fever last night. It's hard for me to let go of her nickname "neném" (baby in Portuguese) because even though she's almost three she is still a baby in so many ways. I especially feel like this when she's sick and she needs so much comforting.

I remember when I was a kid how I found comfort in lollipops and special treats when I was sick. I'm thinking about making some special lollipops for my sickies. Of course these beautiful edible flower lollipops got my thinking of other edible flowers and concoctions I can turn into lollipops.

Doesn't a honey and lime based lollipop with a camomile flower inside sound soothing? How about a honey based lollipop with a small mint leef inside? Or hibiscus tea based with a hibiscus flower? So many possibilities, I might have to buy a lollipop mold.

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