It has been an absolute gift to have ended 2012 and started 2013 surrounded by family and friends, in beautiful Hawaii.

All of us in one house, feeding, playing, teasing, cleaning up, messing up, laughing, celebrating, and simply enjoying each other. I've been a part of this for almost 10 years and I'm still amazed that this exists, that we're related, and that we like each other (most of the time).

2012 was a great year. I've never felt more sick (first trimester pregnancy kicked me in the butt), and I've never felt more pain (emergency c-section where the anesthesia doesn't totally kick in), and I've never felt more worried (our baby in the NICU), than in 2012. However, trials really do come hand in hand with blessings and 2012 brought us lots of blessings.

2012 also marked 5 years of blogging for me. Last year I was a pretty bad blogger. Between feeling super sick, homeschooling in Brazil, moving back to California, working full time, and having a baby, I was anything but consistent with my blog. At the same time 2012 brought unexpected professional opportunities. The Travel Channel hired me for 2 episodes, I did some exciting consulting work for Google, I worked at Glam Media for 3 1/2 months doing something I loved, and I wrote some fun sponsored posts on this here blog.
Do what you love and love what you do. I live by this rule and I plan on living by this rule for a long time. I see real change when I do what I love, and I also see real change when I love what I do, even if what I do is hard.
My resolution for 2013 is to love what is hard. I will love feeding Maria, my picky Maria. I will love making Enzo's lunch in the morning and If I don't love it then he can eat school lunch, lets be real. Oh, and I will love being sugar free. Adios sugar, I relied on you way too much last year but this year I'm ready to feel my best.
I have a good feeling about this new year. It should be a good one.
P.S. Shout out to my brother-in-law Adam who's been documenting this whole trip with his mad photography skills.
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