posted on: Thursday, November 12, 2009

The First Annual Foodbuzz Blogger Festival was this past weekend in THE city (San Fran.) and it rocked my world. If all conferences were this good and this tasty I would go to them more often. Conference about car parts with good food? Sure, I'm there. Conference about insects with a million legs and good food? There again!

The Foodbuzz conference/festival was about food blogging AND good food, hands down the best blogger conference I've been to and it was free for featured publishers (I love foodbuzz to the moon and back).

I want to tell you all about it. I want to describe every single taste that I experienced, the cheese, oh the cheese and the silky butter and the different varieties of passion fruit chocolate. All this deliciousness while being surrounded by hundreds of other food bloggers, who like yourself, loves to eat and talk about food.

Best Moments

Good times. 
Good times.


  1. It was so fun meeting you sharing dinner =) hope we'll meet again in the future for some more yummy eats! =)

  2. You're so sweet! Thanks for this little shout out. Wish we could do a demo everyday. :) Too bad we didn't get to meet at the festival. Next year, eh? What a blast!

  3. Yes, I am so so so sad. Waaaaah.

    I want that hot dog. And whatever's in that cup. I want to turn back time and convince Jake that it was necessary to go for research.

  4. It was so fun seeing you again! I hope it isn't more than a year before the next time!!

  5. Thanks Damaris! It was so much fun meeting you!! I just wish we could have spent some time chatting more! Next time for sure :) Besitos, Diana

  6. I LOVE your picture recap of the festival. It was great to meet you!


  7. i wish i could of tasted it all - looks YUM!

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~


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