what fruits are safe to introduce to my baby?

posted on: Monday, August 16, 2010

Champagne grapes
baby['s] grapes.

I recommend introducing these as soon as you find them in your supermarket. These tiny seedless grapes were a total find on my Saturday afternoon market run. Baby Maria loves her fruit and these are perfect for her tiny fingers to grasp. Just wash and serve. None of this cutting and then still freaking out that she might choke. 

Sometimes people ask me if such and such thing is safe to feed their 8 month old. The answer to that question is "yes, no, maybe so." First, I am not a nutritionist. Second, I don't follow too many rules. Third, even if I do follow food restriction rules in North America it all goes down the drain when I go to South America, where fruits are different and other restrictions are the norm.

I stated feeding baby Maria strawberries when she was 7 months. Some people like to wait until they're 1 year. I gave Enzo mangoes for the first time when he was 7 months and he had a horrible allergic reaction. I thought I had ruined him for life. Nope, not yet at least. When he was a little of over 2 years old someone feed him mangoes and he was fine. 

This is my rough guide on fruits that are safe to feed babies 6-12 months. I like the "wait three days rule" before introducing a new food but normally I do a "wait 1 day rule". My personal experience has been that if a certain food gives my kids an allergic reaction, even a mild rash, or an upset stomach I will know within 24 hours. However, as a parent do whatever feels most comfortable to you.

schedule for introducing fruits during baby's first year

6 months or older
pureed avocados
pureed bananas
pureed papayas
pureed pears
strained apricots
cooked peaches
cooked prunes
cooked plums

7 months or older
cooked apple
strained apricot

8 months or older
chopped apricot
chopped cantaloupe
chopped honeydew
quartered seedless grapes
champagne grapes

9 months or older
chopped bananas
chopped avocado
chopped cherries
slices of plums, apricot, peaches
black berries

12 months or older
citrus fruits

Are there any other fruits your baby likes to eat and if so when do you recommend introducing it?

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