I was planning on sending cookies to my family in Brazil. Ha! I bet I would have an easier time sending illegal drugs than sending freshly baked goods overseas. So instead I'm sending them toys and clothes and paying twice as much for customs and shipping than I actually spent at the store, even though I know they would enjoy cookies most of all. Life. My life.
If you have family that lives in the same country as you I would recommend sending cookies. I know cookies are easy to come by, specially this time of year, but getting cookies in the mail is a real treat and if you're not shipping internationally it's easy to do.
Making Cookies:
Go for the harder cookies like a thick chocolate chip with oatmeal or biscotti so that they won't break. Thin cookies are the worst, I know they're beautiful but thee are fragile and they won't arrive in one piece. Decide on a cookie recipe and then bake in the morning and ship in the afternoon, same day! Make sure your cookies are completely cooled down before packaging them otherwise they will get moldy. Also, add some bread crumbs in between the cookies to maintain their freshness. If you're making cookies that have chocolate or other ingredients that can melt, wrap them in paper towel and then wrap tin foil around the paper towel, and hope for the best.
I love cookie pails like the one above. You can find them at your local craft store for very cheap. They are sturdy and cute (bonus). A tupeware would also work, or even a lined thick gift box, or a tin can. Make sure you fill up the cookie pail all the way to the top and that there is no room for the cookies to move around otherwise they will break. Place your cookie pail (just pretend you're using a cookie pail) in a box and fill up the box with bubble wrap or news paper. When you think the box is ready, shake it side to side. If the cookie pail moves the box is not full and you really want to make sure it's full so that your cookies arrive intact.
I would pay the extra money to make sure the cookies arrive faster. Also write "Fragile" on the box to remind the post office to treat your package with tender love and care.
Recipe Ideas:
ps; I can't send cookies to my family in Brazil but I did take the time (a whole 10 seconds) to press the button on the Kenmore facebook page for their cookies for troops campaign. This Holiday season Kenmore is trying to send a quater million cookies to the troops. All you have to do is click "send a dozen cookies for me!" Did you see the interactive NY Times article about what troops eat? Barf! They totally deserve some yummy cookies.
pps; Start thinking of cookies to make for the December cook off. Don't you forget.
ppps; And don't forget that today is the last day to enter the glob giveaway.
ps to the power of infinity; I love you more than all the cookies in the world!