The time has come to start posting and submitting your crazy chocolate recipes. What did you come up with? I'm curious to find out. You have one week to link up your post. I'm going to brush up on the specifics, leave the linky tool up, and let you do the magic. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.

- Make something delicious with chocolate. Something new and creative. Something a little crazy. Post your recipe and pictures on your blog and show us what you've got by linking the url of your Cook Off post to the linky tool below. (Make sure that somewhere in your post you mention that you're submitting this to the Kitchen Corners April Cook Off and link back to this post)
- You don't have to be a food blogger to participate. This is open to anyone who has a blog and wants in. However, the prize will only be shipped to a US mailing address. Not that your friend who lives in Kansas wouldn't like a surprise basket full of goodies from Nestle Kitchens. Bottom line is, if you're abroad and you want to participate don't let the prize restriction hold you back.
- Last week I posted more details on the theme and sponsor for this month. This post might answer some of your questions, but if it doesn't ask away.
- The linky tool will be up for one week. Next week we'll vote on our favorite submissions.
- It's all you!
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