Photo booth? No, our bathroom mirror. Christian took these pictures with my phone l
Say cheese!
Very early on in my blogging career I learned to never apologize for not posting. Frankly no one really cares if you blog or not. It's not that blogging doesn't matter, it does matter. It matters to me because I fell head over heels in love with social media and knew I wanted to build a career that involved social media. Also, I already have a box full of handwritten journals. Journals I started writing when I was 11 years old and because when I was 11 I actually had time so I wrote every single day for 8 years. This is not a lie. Ask Christian, he'll tell you all about my big box of journals and how we've had to haul this box on every single move. We've moved 7 times in the 8 years we've been married. He's made me swear to never write in a journal again. Thank you google for carrying my virtual box full of journals/post. Blogging is great! The other reason why I love blogging is because it keeps me on my toes as far as social media is concerned. I'm telling you, when my babies are old enough to tweet or facebook or whatever the next big things will be I want to be right there in front of my computer stalking them.
So yeah, life. Well life in the Palmer household went from busy to mega busy. I got hired full time with Glam! Yay! I'm an online editor. The official title is Editorial Producer. The un-official title is Editor Who Works During the Day and Then Some at Night. Typical. Good thing I like what I do. I also get to work from home (wouldn't have it any other way). Seriously, this is what I've wanted for myself ever since I decided that, well, this is what I wanted for myself. So come say hi to me at and I'm over there being an editor and stuff.
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