Taste Testing Fries with Family

posted on: Sunday, July 10, 2011

For the last week we've been hanging out with family, a lot of family. Christian has 5 siblings. All of the siblings have children. And when we all get together it's a cousin party that never ends. At night when the kids are finally asleep we talk adult stuff, like french fries flavors.

This is the third week of the Alexia challenge to reinvent a classic and it's been fun doing it in the presence of the fam. Everyone has an opinion, everyone has a method, and everyone has different taste buds to contribute to the testing process.

But I think we have a winner.

I'll let you know for sure next week. There is just one more flavor I want to try out tomorrow. One last batch I need to make to be sure that the winning flavor from today is really the champ.

Lets just say that this whole process has been way enjoyable, mostly because I have so many people to share fries with.

This is the third post of a 4 post series sponsored by Alexia Fries


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